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Here's a few example use cases for this module:

Lottery stats

Get stats from the current lottery round.

from datetime import datetime
from pancakeswap_lottery import Lottery

def format_datestr(dt):
    now =
    total_seconds = int((dt - now).total_seconds())

    days, remainder = divmod(total_seconds, 86400)
    hours, remainder = divmod(remainder, 3600)
    minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)

    d = {
        "total_seconds": total_seconds,
        "days": int(days),
        "hours": int(hours),
        "minutes": int(minutes),
        "seconds": int(seconds),

    if d["hours"] == 0:
        datestr = f"{d['minutes']} minutes"
        datestr = f"{d['hours']} hours {d['minutes']} minutes"

    return datestr

def get_lottery_stats():
    lottery = Lottery()

    issue_index = lottery.get_issue_index()
    pool_size = lottery.get_total_amount()

    lottery_date = lottery.get_lottery_date(issue_index)
    drawdate_str = format_datestr(lottery_date)

    allocation = lottery.get_allocation()

    prize_pool_match4 = int(pool_size * allocation.get("1") / 100)
    prize_pool_match3 = int(pool_size * allocation.get("2") / 100)
    prize_pool_match2 = int(pool_size * allocation.get("3") / 100)

    ret_str = "🥞 The CAKE Lottery 🥞"
    ret_str += f"\nRound #{issue_index}"
    ret_str += f"\nDraw in {drawdate_str} ({lottery_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')})"

    ret_str += "\n\n💰 Pool size"
    ret_str += f"\n{int(pool_size)} CAKE"

    ret_str += "\n\n💵 Prize pool allocation"
    ret_str += f"\nMatch 4: {prize_pool_match4} CAKE"
    ret_str += f"\nMatch 3: {prize_pool_match3} CAKE"
    ret_str += f"\nMatch 2: {prize_pool_match2} CAKE"

    return ret_str

lottery_stats = get_lottery_stats()
🥞 The CAKE Lottery 🥞
Round #481
Draw in 2 hours 2 minutes (2021-04-19 14:00)

💰 Pool size
1581 CAKE

💵 Prize pool allocation
Match 4: 790 CAKE
Match 3: 316 CAKE
Match 2: 158 CAKE

Lottery history

Get lottery history data (Lottery Date, Round, Prize pool) from the last X rounds.

from pancakeswap_lottery import Lottery

def get_lottery_history(last_rounds):
    lottery = Lottery()

    issue_index = lottery.get_issue_index()

    header = ["Lottery Date", "Round", "Prizes (CAKE)"]
    rows = [header]

    for i in range(0, last_rounds):
        issue_index -= 1

        lottery_date = lottery.get_lottery_date(issue_index)
        lottery_date_str = lottery_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")

        total_rewards = int(lottery.get_total_rewards(issue_index))

        row = [lottery_date_str, issue_index, total_rewards]

    ret_str = "🥞 The CAKE Lottery - History 🥞\n\n"
    ret_str += f"Showing data for last {last_rounds} rounds:\n\n"
    ret_str += "\n".join(["".join([f"{x:>16}" for x in r]) for r in rows])

    return ret_str

rounds = 10  # get data for last 10 rounds
lottery_history = get_lottery_history(rounds)
🥞 The CAKE Lottery - History 🥞

Showing data for last 10 rounds:

    Lottery Date           Round   Prizes (CAKE)
2021-04-19 02:00             480           91715
2021-04-18 14:00             479           44838
2021-04-18 02:00             478            3203
2021-04-17 14:00             477            1736
2021-04-17 02:00             476           52022
2021-04-16 14:00             475           47675
2021-04-16 02:00             474            1736
2021-04-15 14:00             473            3088
2021-04-15 02:00             472          113863
2021-04-14 14:00             471           61936